
Who will be growing our food in the future?
USDA statistics indicate that access to affordable farmland is one of the biggest challenges for new farmers.
The Farmers-to-Farmland Program seeks to connect beginning and experienced farmers with farmland owners who wish to sell, lease or transfer their farmland in San Juan County, WA.
Now, more than ever before, we need to help the next generation of farmers access affordable and fertile farmland, keeping these lands actively farmed for production of healthy local foods for our community and region.
This program assists beginning and experienced farmers and ranchers with establishing, expanding, and improving farm enterprises in San Juan County through land access.
We are at a critical juncture.
The majority of farmers in our region are 60 years or older, and there are more farmers over the age of 70 than farmers under the age of 35. (USDA 2012 Ag Census). Acres of once productive farmland now lie fallow or marginally used.
For available farming opportunities in San Juan County, please contact:
Support Farmers-to-Farmland
Funded by USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program